The goal of Footer Putter WordPress plugin is to increase the credibility of your site with both search engines and humans, using a professional footer which informs visitors on how to contact you, asserts copyright over the site content, sets out the legal terms and conditions for using the site, and establishes the trade associations or other bodies that recognize the legitimacy of your business.
Features of Footer Putter
- Copyright Widget
- Trademarks Widget
- Filter to replace certain ‘marker’ fields with your values in the Privacy Statement page and the Terms and Conditions page – the markers include your website name, the name, email address, telephone number and postal address of the site owner, the copyright statement and the date the terms of usage of the site were last updated
Setting Up The Footer Copyright
Do the following:
- Create a Privacy Statement page
- Create a Terms and Conditions Page
- Create a Contact Us page with a contact form
- Create a menu called “Footer Menu” and add the above pages plus any others for which you want to show links in the footer
- On the Footer Credits admin page fill in the Site owner details, and the text of the Return To Top link
- Leave the Footer Hook blank if your WordPress theme already has a widget area in the footer that you cab use – otherwise choose either a standard WordPress hook such as get_footer or wp_footer or a theme-specific hook such as twentyten_credits, twentyeleven_credits, twentytwelve_credits, genesis_footer, graphene_footer, pagelines_leaf or whatever footer hook is appropriate for your theme. Footer Putter will create a widget area at that hook called Custom Footer
- In Appearance > Widgets drag the Footer Copyright Widget into the footer widget area and select the Footer Menu and decide what fields you want to display
Setting Up The Trademarks
Do the following
- Set up a link category called “Trademarks” (or something similar)
- For each trademark you want to appear in the footer, add a link with the appropriate link target, assign it to the Trademark link category, and include the image you want to use in the Advanced Section making sure all your images are the same height.
- In Appearance > Widgets drag the Trademarks Widget into the footer widget area and select the trademarks link category and choose your sort order of links